Grandmaster Gary Khor has practiced Feng Shui for more than 45 years. He was brought up in a traditional Chinese family. His skills were honed from a very young age. He is founder and president of the Feng Shui Academy of China. He has trained many Feng Shui consultants through his Feng Shui courses.
Grandmaster Gary Khor has studied Feng Shui for decades under sixth generation grandmasters from China. He is an expert in Feng Shui. He has written multiple books and articles on the subject. His books, including best-seller ‘Living Chi’, have been published by Simon & Schuster. His articles have been featured in popular women’s’ health magazine.
He was the Feng Shui Consultant/lecturer for the Sydney Building Information Centre and Homebush Home Improvement Centre. He wrote a regular column for the Women’s Health Magazine.
Grandmaster Gary khor has provided his services for many organisations to improve their business. The repositioning of certain objects and furniture have helped to create a better working environment.
Organisations that have received Feng Shui consultations by Grandmaster Gary Khor include:
Canberra Labor Club, Royal Bank of Canada, ANZ Bank (Head Office), Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Institute of Eye Research (University of New South Wales Campus), Art Gallery of NSW, Canterbury RSL Club, Petersham RSL Club, Panasat (Satellite Communication Company – Circular Key), Australian Pearl Company, Gem Fashions Group, Allied Industries, Icon Hospitality Group, Signcorp Business Corporation, Monier and PNG.
Follow Grandmaster Gary Khor’s Feng Shui on Instagram – garykhorfengshui
There are times in our lives when everything seems to ‘click’ into place. We feel balanced, harmonious and most importantly, we feel happy. For thousands of years, the Chinese have studied the pursuit of happiness. They realised that while luck, fate and the will of the gods are significant players in our lives, there are certain forces that shape our destiny more than others. Feng Shui is the understanding of how the interactions between the natural forces of the universe can be used to move us in the direction of happiness. If understood and used correctly, feng shui can increase our chances of attaining good health, success, prosperity and happiness.
The ultimate goal of Feng Shui Gary Khor is to create happiness. The main principle is to balance the energy. Too much of anything is negative, you need sun, but if you have too much you get sunstroke. A good environment equals good energy, abundance and health. If your mind and body function well then you will be successful, happy and at peace.
Feng Shui Gary Khor says that one important aspect of Feng Shui is to be near water. Close proximity to water gives a better sensation and feeling for the individual. You do not need ocean views to have a home with good energy. “Being near water is very good, and we know most properties near water are more valuable, but we still need balance and you still need protection from the elements”. Having greenery around the home is very good and so is natural light. Feng Shui Gary Khor can help you understand why a property might not be selling and can help you make changes to appeal to the right buyer.
Get Gary’s expert advice on your Feng Shui set up. For more information, please contact us. Send an e-mail to
Get Gary’s expert advice on your Feng Shui set up. For more information, please contact us.
There are times in our lives when everything seems to ‘click’ into place. We feel balanced, harmonious and most importantly, we feel happy. For thousands of years, the Chinese have studied the pursuit of happiness. They realised that while luck, fate and the will of the gods are significant players in our lives, there are certain forces that shape our destiny more than others. Feng Shui is the understanding of how the interactions between the natural forces of the universe can be used to move us in the direction of happiness. If understood and used correctly, Feng Shui can increase our chances of attaining good health, success, prosperity and happiness. Grandmaster Gary Khor has studied Feng Shui for decades under sixth generation grandmasters from China. He is an expert in Feng Shui and has written multiple books and articles on the subject. His books, including best-seller ‘Living Chi’, have been published by Simon & Schuster and his articles have been featured in popular women’s’ health magazine ‘Women’s Health Magazine’.
By Grandmaster Gary Khor
Published by Simon & Schuster 143 pages
Learn how you can harness and maximise life energy to improve everything from your health to your personal relationships and career. You will learn how chi works, and about how to enrich your own energy flow through breathing, massage, meditation, diet and Feng Shui.
As exercise is also vital to your supply of chi, the Lotus, a Tai Chi Qigong sequence, is featured, with step-by-step instructions and illustrations.
This book is written by Grandmaster Gary Khor providing a guide on how to design your own garden to have a better feel with good energy and relaxation. The manual takes into account the elements of Nature and how each energy affects each other. Having too much of one energy can be bad and provide a different feeling. In this book, Grandmaster Gary Khor provides guidance and advice on the best way to make your garden look even better.
Feng Shui is not just about placement of items and positioning of equipment with objects. It takes into account the whole environment and how nature affects your living lifestyle. It encompasses the aspect of Qi within the universe as well. Each nature element affects the way we live, earth, water, fire, metal and wood.
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