Instructor Trish Miller was introduced to the Art of Tai Chi in 1999 after seeing a ‘Learner Tai Chi Class’ advert in a local newspaper. At the time life was difficult and traumatic, she took initiative to move her life forward in a positive direction fulfilling a life of happiness attainment. The words “stress & anxiety” drew her towards learning Tai Chi as well as promoting general health holistic wellbeing. Within 12 months of joining the class, her life changed dramatically with the benefits of Tai Chi. Trish grew up in a rural isolated area of New Zealand during her first 6 years of childhood. Across a swing suspension bridge spanning the Waikato River among a virgin NZ native forest of very mature established trees, plant and wild bird life. Nature instilled in her beginning of bonding with nature has instilled in my personality an awareness of strong connection and affinity to the balanced quietness & spiritual aspects of all nature, enhanced her feeling this has complimented and enhanced my feeling & understanding, particularly the inner qualities, of Tai Chi & Qigong Art.
Learning Tai Chi forms has inspired her to further pursue education & certification of varied topics, including, Computing, Real Estate, Te Reo Maori & Magnetic Healing, that Trish trained in has brought her into direct contact with many interesting people across a very wide spectrum, culturally, socially and professionally.
Her later life education was fully inspired by Tai Chi and its qualities of mindfulness, perseverance, persistence and patience.
If you are in New Zealand, you can join her Facebook Page Community Tai Chi Academy New Zealand to find out more information.
She was a certified & registered as an Instructor for two years with the ACC Tai Chi Falls Prevention Program 2009 +2010. Before this she had trained as an Athletics Track & Field Coach 1990-1996. Trish attended her first Australian Academy of Tai Chi & Qigong Seminar in September 2009. She continued to attend the annual seminar yearly and joined in 2014. Her experience with The Australian Academy Tai Chi & Qigong is their reputable quality of professional & technical expertise knowledge. This format is included in their programs as a proven success for general health & wellbeing.
Her greatest pleasure as a teacher is to witness students that have moderated & improved serious health issues while reflecting the supreme life force quality of Tai Chi during their learning stage process.
Currently is teaching & delivering Khor Style Tai Chi Classes program in NZ at various local locations. She currently trains under Grandmaster Gary Khor and Master Aaron Khor.
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