Membership Level change

You have selected the Tai Chi Weapons Package membership level.

  • Dragon Phoenix Fan - Grandmaster Gary Khor's signature weapon. Combination of Wu Shu and Tai Chi movements with the Fan. Fast and flashy movements with jumps and kicks. Advanced level of Tai Chi & Wu Shu.
  • Yin Yang Sword - Tai Chi Sword by Grandmaster Gary Khor. After learning all 108 Khor Tai Chi movements. this advanced level is suitable to learn. Improves the wrist joint, shoulder, range of motion and body strength.
  • Wu Dang Sword - Taught by Master Aaron Khor, fast movements with spins. This video is suitable for Advanced marital artists and Tai Chi practitioners. Improves agility, mobility, flexibility, strength and posture.
  • Immortal Flute - Taught by Grandmaster Gary Khor. Flute is also a form of a short pole. Suitable for Advanced martial artists and Tai Chi practitioners. Improves wrist movement, agility, mobility, flexibility, strength and posture.
  • Wu Dang Horse Tail Whisk - By Master Aaron Khor, a difficult weapon to learn as an extension of the body. Fast movements with spins, footwork and body movements is main focus. Improves agility, mobility, leg strength, body control.

The price for membership is $65.00 per Month.

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