Mind Power Qigong
Mind Power Qigong is one of the most popular exercises that marital artists use. With many forms of Qigong the movements are so complex or demanding that the focus on the movement of energy or Qi is deferred until the movements have been mastered. Unfortunately the student often then moves on to another Qigong without realising the importance of the energy work that is attached to the Qigong form. With Mind Power Qigong the movements are simple and easy to perform so the focus on the circulation and transformation of Qi can be present from the start. In part three of this book, you will find an outline of how the Qi circulation and transformation system works. This knowledge is essential to the success of Mind Power Qigong, which will work as long as you follow the instructions provided. It will be helpful to those who need to understand how the Mind Power Qigong works.
Mind Power Qigong can be practiced on its own or as an excellent warm up or cool down after the practice of other Qigong forms such as Tai Chi, Lohan and Tao Yin. If practising the set alone, a 15 minute session each day is recommended. Mind Power Qigong is suitable for any age group or level of fitness though any person with a medical condition should check with their practitioner about the suitability of the exercises. A instructional video is available with this book if required.