Tai Chi for Better Breathing
Tai Chi is often called ‘the holistic exercise’ because it exercises body, mind and spirit. It promotes fitness and vitality, and stimulates the immune system, contributing to good health. It is now widely recognised that Tai Chi’s benefits extend to asthma sufferers, with several hospitals introducing Tai Chi into their programs for asthmatics.
Tai Chi for better Breathing provides an overall program for asthmatics as well as for those wishing to improve their health and well-being. Specially selected Tai Chi exercises, designed to improve breathing and strengthen the chest area are provided, as well as recommendations on diet, breathing exercises and short meditations. All exercises are illustrated, with step-by-step instructions.
Written by Grandmaster Gary Khor, Tai Chi for Better Breathing is an easy-to-understand guide that offers a holistic, non-drug approach to the management of asthma and the prevention of attacks as well as offering health, fitness and relaxation to all.
Grandmaster Gary Khor founded the Australian Academy of Tai Chi in 1976, now the leading Tai Chi school in Australia and largest Tai Chi academy outside China. His other books include Tai Chi for Stress Control and Relaxation, Living Chi and Feng Shui for Personal Harmony.
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